University of Prince Edward Island

The University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI), located in Charlottetown, Canada, has a long-standing tradition of academic excellence dating back to the 19th century. It is home to a talented community of educators and researchers including seven 3M Teaching Award Winners (the Highest honour a professor can achieve for teaching in Canada) and the prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chair in Aquatic Epidemiology. Click here for UPEI Website Each of the top-ranked programs that UPEI offers through Universities of Canada branch campus in Egypt is the exact same program as the one offered in Canada. UofCanada students are taught the same curriculum in their major of choice by Canadian professors and will graduate with a Canadian degree recognized around the world. This degree is also accredited in Egypt and recognized by the Syndicates. Moreover, UofCanada students are given the chance to transfer to Canada and
continue their studies abroad.


  • Business Administration
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Marketing
    • Finance
    • Accounting
    • Organizational Management
  • Mathematical  & Computational Sciences
    • Computer Science
    • Video Game Programming 
    • Data Analytics
    • Business Analytics
  • Sustainable Design Engineering
    • Mechatronics
    • Sustainable energy


  • Business Administration
  • Computer Science
  • Political Science

Academic Requirements

  • Sustainable Design Engineering: 5 ‘O’ levels including English, 2 Sciences and any additional academic course with no grade below C and 1 AS level in Mathematics (minimum grade of C)
  • Computer Science & Mathematics: 5 ‘O’ levels in the appropriate subjects including English, 2 Sciences and 1 AS level in Mathematics (minimum grade of C)
  •  Business Administration: 5 ‘O’ levels in the appropriate subjects including English and Maths with a minimum grade of C in Mathematics

English Language Requirements:

  • English proficiency proof (if available). Students who did not submit the IELTS, TOEFL or Duolingo with the required test score will be required to sit for an English Placement
  • To avoid any English (EAP) courses during the academic year, the university will require either:
      •  an overall IELTS score of 6.5,  6.5 in writing, no other band below 6
      • PTE of score 58
      • English Proficiency Placement (provided by UPEI, Cairo Campus) of score 4.5


    • Fees per Semester are based on an average of (5) courses per Semester.

    •  The categories A, B or C for tuition fees are determined by the applicant’s grades in high school.
      • Category A 90% and above
      • Category B 80%-89%
      • Category C Below 80%
    •  Tuition amount to be paid per semester over two equal installments, first installment (50%) due upon receiving the final acceptance letter (5 working days from letter date), second payment (50%) after one month from beginning of semester.
    • 5% extra discount for paying the full year (2 semesters) fees before the beginning of the academic year.
    • A maximum of 10% increase in tuition fees will be applied annually.
  • The full-time EAP fees are 125,000 EGP
  • The part-time EAP fees are 25,000 EGP

Other fees: (Egyptian Students – Newcomers)

  • Non-Academic fees: EGP 12,000 (to be paid annually).
  • Health Insurance fees: EGP 2,500 (to be paid annually).
  • Facilities insurance fees: EGP 6,000 (Refundable, one-time fee).
  • Lab Fees: (to be paid annually).
    • Engineering: EGP 20,000.
    • Business & Computer Science: EGP 10,000.


    •  Fees per Semester are based on an average of (5) courses per Semester.

    •  The categories A, B or C for tuition fees are determined by the applicant’s grades in high school.
      • Category A 90% and above
      • Category B 80%-89%
      • Category C Below 80%
    • Tuition amount to be paid per semester over two equal installments, first installment (50%) due upon receiving the final acceptance letter (5 working days from letter date), second payment (50%) after one month from beginning of semester.
    • 5% extra discount for paying the full year(2 semesters) fees before the beginning of the academic year.
    • A maximum of 10% increase in tuition fees will be applied annually.
  • The full-time EAP fees are 4,500.00 USD
  • The part-time EAP fees are 900.00 USD


Other fees: (Non-Egyptian Students – Newcomers)

  • Non-Academic fees: USD 550 (to be paid annually).
  • Health Insurance fees: USD 120 (to be paid annually).
  • Facilities insurance fees: USD 300 (Refundable, one-time fee).
  • Lab Fees: (to be paid annually).
    • Engineering: USD 800.
    • Business & Computer Science: USD 400.

Payment Options:

The tuition can be paid by either:

  • In-person payment in USD cash at Universities of Canada’s Campus or CRO Office.
  • Cash deposit through Universities of Canada USD bank accounts.
  • Bank transfers through Universities of Canada USD bank accounts.
  • Money transfer through the following bank branches: Click Here
  • Any bank transfers, money transfers or cash deposits payments in the bank, a copy of the document must be sent to to confirm the payment also please note that the university is not responsible for any payments that doesn’t have sufficient proof”

Transportation fees per semester (2024-2025)


       Fees(Egyptian-Students) per semester

Fees(Non-Egyptian Students)per semester

New Cairo City and Rehab City, Madinty, Shrouk, Obour

EGP 12,000


Nasr City, Misr Elgadida, Maadi

EGP 13,000


Mohandiseen, Doki

EGP 15,000


6 October

EGP 17,500


  1. Deposit represents 50% from semester for buses and dorms.
  2. The student who use bus and dorm obtain 25% discount from bus fees.

Universities of Canada offers bus transportation to students that will pick them up from their dorms and drop them off on campus and vice versa. Buses typically leave from campus at 1:30 pm (arrive on campus at 1 pm) and at 4:30 pm from Sundays to Wednesdays and at 4:15 on Thursdays (arrive on campus at 4:15 pm/4:00 pm on Thursdays).

Once you pay the bus fee, you will receive information directly to your student email account about which buses to ride and where the checkpoint is to be picked up. Students residing in the dorms receive a 25% discount on their bus fees. To know more about the bus fee based on your area of residence, you can find it here.

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