
1) Faculty of Engineering
*Automotive Mechatronics
*Manufacturing Engineering
*Robotics and Automation
*Automation and Control Engineering
*Electrical Power Systems Engineering
2)Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science
*Applied Computer Science

*Data Sciences
*Software Engineering
*IT Security
*International Media Informatics
3)Faculty of Business Administration
*International Business
*Finance,Banking & Accounting
*Digital Marketing
*Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium Enterprises
*Supply Chain Management

*Real State Management

*Tourism & Hospitality Management

4)Faculty of Design
*Fashion & Jewelry Design
*Industrial Design

5)Faculty of Biotechnology covers the following Areas:

*Health Science

*Nutrition & Food Technology

*Industrial & Cosmetics Biotechnology

6)Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology covers the following Areas:

*Pharmaceutical Production Engineering

*Pharmaceutical Design & Engineering

*Quality Control & Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Industry

*Marketing in Pharmaceutical Industry

7)Faculty of Architectural Engineering:

*Architectural Design

*Interior Architecture

8)Faculty of Physical Therapy
9)Faculty of Business Informatics


1. Academic Credentials

*Having passed at least 8 IGCSE subjects
*Minimum accepted grade for IGCSE/O levels is “C” Minimum accepted grade for ASL and AL is “D”

Obtaining at least the minimum percentages set by GIU admission office for the requested program in the same year of admission;
Scores obtained in specific subjects related to the desired program of study in GIU will be taken into consideration as an asset

2. Qualifying Subjects:

Engineering/Architectural Engineering 

  •   English
  •   Math
  •   Advanced Math (ASL or AL)
  •   Physics
  •   Chemistry

Informatics & Computer Science

  • English
  •  Math
  •   Advanced Math (ASL or AL) Or Biology
  •   Physics
  •   Chemistry

Business Administration/ Design/ Business Informatics

  •  English
  • Other subjects to be checked as per presented certificate

Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology

  • English
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology or Math AS/AL

Biotechnology/Physical Therapy

  • English
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology 
  • IGCSE-Slips stamped by the British Council as True Documents only (no other stamp can replace the British Council stamp) and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs + stamp of الإدارة العامة للإمتحانات التابعة لوزارة التربيةو التعليم
  • IGSCE-Slips stamped by the British Council as copies of true documents will not be treated as originals and cannot be accepted.
  • If IGCSE Slips are obtained from outside Egypt, required stamp of British Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Egyptian Embassy in country of certificate(s) or From Egypt, to be stamped by the British Council as True documents only from both British council of the foreign country and then British Council Egypt and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Edadeyya Certificate or Proof of 12years of schooling stamped by School and certified by the Educational Zone the school belongs to.
  • If proof of 12 years of schooling is obtained from outside Egypt required stamps are: the School stamp, the stamp of the Educational Zone, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Egyptian Embassy in that foreign country.
  • Original Birth certificate
  • 6 personal photos
  • Original document of Arabic Language, Religion and civics exams Thanaweya Amma (for Arab Nationals)
  • Namouzag2 Gond (required from Egyptian male students only)

2024/2025 Tuition Fees

Engineering/ Informatics and Computer science /Business Administration / Pharmaceutical Engineering / Architectural Engineering/Physical Therapy

Category A: 120,315/Semester

Category B:132,000/Semester


Category A: 107,500/Semester

Category B:126,500/Semester

Design Study Programs

118,595 /Semester

For International Students:

All majors Except Design

Category A:  3,780 Euro/Semester

Category B:  4,375 Euro/ Semester

Design Study Programs

3,985 Euro /Semester for International Students


  • Students will maintain their category of Tuition and Fees so long as their overall GPA is better than 3.5 (German Grading System).
  • Tuition and fees are announced and are subject to change at the beginning of each academic year.

Other Fees

  • A non-refundable GIU AS admission tests fees of 1000 EGP to be paid at the time of submitting applications.
  •  A deposit of 420 Euro or 10000 Egyptian as insurance for use of labs (refundable at the end of academic studies after deduction of damages).

Scholarship regulation:

  • Applicant should be Egyptian citizen (For Top Ranked Thanaweya Amma Scholarship)
  • Applicant has to pass GIU admission tests.
  • Applicants should abide by all GIU bylaws and regulation, as well as GIU housing regulation.
  • Students receiving scholarships will maintain their scholarship so long as their overall GPA is better than 3.00 (C)

Application Process:

1. Online application

  •  Students applying for the GIU  must complete their online application to proceed with their Admission process
  • Upon filling the online application, student will get their GIU  unique application number
  • Once student fills the online application, s/he will receive the Admission Test invitation to reserve the Admission Test session online
  •   Students graduated from German schools are exempted from the Admission Test
  • Once student makes the reservation, a confirmation email will be automatically sent with test date and time
  •  Students must follow the instructions written in the test confirmation email very carefully

GIU Admission Tests:

1)Reasoning Test:

  • Duration: 50 minutes.
    Details: Questions are classified into categories according to their types namely: verbal comprehension and relationships, induction, facts and results, deduction and discovery

2)Computerized English Language Test

  • Duration: 45 minutes.
  • Details: Made up of 3 sections: language use, reading comprehension, and  listening comprehension. It aims at finding out whether the student can study without difficulty in a university where the language of instruction is English; in other words whether the students can understand lectures delivered in English, and read textbooks and lecture notes written in English. Those who do not pass the test will have the chance to repeat the test only one more time for free.

On the date of the Admission test, the student MUST arrive at the University at least ONE HOUR before the Session Time in order to complete the registration process for the test; the student should head to the Admission Office upon arrival and bring the following documents with him/her:

1. Copy/original of birth certificate
2. Student’s ID card or passport + a copy ( no student will be allowed to enter the admission exam unless he/she has an identification card) 3. Copy of legal guardian’s ID or passport
4. Test fees 900 LE non refundable.
5. Copy of final High school certificate ( if available )

For students applying for the GIU Design Programs or faculty of Engineering, passing an aptitude test will be requested.

Certificate Evaluation, Study Offer and Categories

Students who have received their high school results are requested to bring them in order to receive the final study offer.
Students will be requested to fulfill minimum admission requirements as announced by GIU AS Admission office in order to be included in ranking for acceptance in the requested program of study.

Acceptances will be based on the ranking by selecting highest scores for each program of study and according to the obtained high school certificate. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the required documents as requested; any incomplete file will lead to incomplete registration at GIU AS

4. Payment Procedures

All details will be sent by email from GIU AS Admission Office.

5. Language Tests

After receiving the Final Study Offer and paying the down payment, students are required to take the GIU Placement Diagnostic exam to find out their level of Academic skills proficiency.
No student will be allowed to reserve a Placement Diagnostic exam session unless his/her photo is submitted.

Students who have any background or knowledge of the German Language and want to skip the introductory level, must take another German Placement Test

German Placement Exam (optional)

  • All students admitted to GIU AS must take German Language mandatory courses
  • Students, who are applying to GIU AS and who have any background or knowledge of the German Language, should state their knowledge level of the German language in their online application (ex. Excellent, good or fair).These Students will receive an invitation e-mail for the German Language Placement Test where they can reserve a place in one of the offered sessions.

6. Medical check-up

As a part of completion of Admission requirements, all students have to sit for the GIU AS medical check-up.
Invitation emails will be sent with all details and requested documents. Students who fulfilled the following steps will be receiving the invitation for the medical check-up with all details:

 7. Issue of Student ID and GIU AS email account: 
  • Passed Admission tests
  • Evaluated accepted
  •  Received final study offer
  •  Paid down payment

After paying the down payment, the student will proceed to receive his/her ID and the GIU AS email account.
To issue the final University ID, all of the following steps must have been fulfilled:

1. Passed the admission tests
2. Evaluated and accepted
3. Received the Final Study Offer
4. Paid down payment
5. Submitted a recent photo (not older than one year)

6. Sat for English Placement Diagnostic exam
7. Completed the medical check-up

GIU Contact Details:


Regional Ring Rd, East Cairo, New Administrative Capital, Cairo, Egypt.



     Admission E-mail:

     For general inquires:

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